Microsoft Exchange and Remote Desktop Services Specialists


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One morning you find that there is spam in the queues, your server has been blacklisted etc...

One of the worst experiences for an Exchange administrator is to come in one morning and find that either email is being blocked, the queues are long or the users are getting NDRs saying that the server is blacklisted. This seems to result in confusion amongst administrators who then go looking for advice only to get conflicting answers on what the problem might be. I am going to try and clear u... [More]

Why You Shouldn't Enable the POP3 Server

This is another post in my series of articles on why you shouldn't use certain features in Exchange, even though they are there. As with the other articles, the article does NOT tell you how to enable the feature in question. The other articles in this series are: - why you shouldn't use the POP3 connector: home grown versus commercial SSL ce... [More]

Share an Exchange 2007 Server (UK Only)

Would your company like to use Exchange 2007, but are finding the costs too high, you don't have the internal skill set or just want to outsource it?However have you found that hosted Exchange is too limiting for your company needs or you want a more personal approach to the management of your server? If so, then we may have the answer. I have recently been talking to a few clients who would li... [More]

Improve Exchange 2007 MC Performance - Use Windows XP

If you have used Exchange 2007 for anything more than 2 minutes, you will quickly notice that the performance of the Exchange Management Console (EMC) is very poor - no matter how much memory or processing power you have on your server. While moving content on the blog, I was reminded of a post where I linked to an announcement about the Exchange 2003 management tools being made available for 32... [More]

Exchange 2007 Updates Underway on

I have started the long process of reviewing every page in the Exchange and Outlook sections of my technical site for Exchange 2007 compatibility. While for some articles this is quite easy, as the principles remain the same, others require a completely new article - such as the Mobile Access setup guide (original: and the spam cleanup gu... [More]