0 Kemp Release Free Load Balancer Virtual Appliance Kemp have released a free load balancing virtual appliance. If you have a small environment and don' [More]
0 Outlook 2010 MAPI over HTTPS Support The hotfix for MAPI over HTTP support for Outlook 2010 has been released at last. Currently req [More]
0 Changes to SSL Certificates There have been a lot of changes to the way that SSL certificates are issued and the impact of those [More]
0 Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2 End of Life Completely forgot to mention last week that as well as Exchange 2003 going end of life, so did Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2. Therefore to continue to receive updates and support for Exchange 2010, you need to be on Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3. This follows Exchange 2010 RTM going end of life in October 2011 and Service Pack one in January 2013. You can see the full list of Microsoft Excha... [More]
0 Farewell Exchange 2003 Today is the day that support for Windows XP ends, but it is also the end of another product that was much loved in its day and even now is still in widespread use, and that is Exchange 2003. Exchange 2003 was where I really got heavily involved with the Exchange product. I had played around a bit with Exchange 5.5 and 2000 at previous employers, but it was around the time of Exchange 200... [More]