Microsoft Exchange and Remote Desktop Services Specialists


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Forthcoming Speaking Engagement - UK Community Day - 8th and 9th April

Once again the UK IT Pro User Groups are getting together to have a community day at Microsoft in Reading. This time it will be spread over two days - 8th and 9th of April 2008. I presented at one last year alongside Nathan Winters, but this time I have my own session. I will be presenting a session on behalf of the Microsoft Messaging & Mobility User Group (MMMUG - o... [More]

Share an Exchange 2007 Server (UK Only)

Would your company like to use Exchange 2007, but are finding the costs too high, you don't have the internal skill set or just want to outsource it?However have you found that hosted Exchange is too limiting for your company needs or you want a more personal approach to the management of your server? If so, then we may have the answer. I have recently been talking to a few clients who would li... [More]

Exchange 2007 Updates Underway on

I have started the long process of reviewing every page in the Exchange and Outlook sections of my technical site for Exchange 2007 compatibility. While for some articles this is quite easy, as the principles remain the same, others require a completely new article - such as the Mobile Access setup guide (original: and the spam cleanup gu... [More]

Google and a New Site - Who Needs SEO?

Last year I was playing around with Google Custom Search, to try and improve the search functionality on While I was experimenting, I built custom search engines for the knowledgebase's of Microsoft, Symantec, McAfee, Palm, Apple, Adobe and a few others. Rather than waste the work I had done, I put them in to some rough web code I use for basic web sites, registered a domain name a... [More]

Experts Exchange - Expert of the Year - Again

For the third year in a row, I am expert of the year at Experts Exchange. I also answered the most questions during the year - 5798 - which is an average of just over 16 questions a day. I also picked up most points from assists. In other Experts Exchange news, I have decided to take a break from it for a while, so that I can concentrate on m... [More]